Soft Sell Examples

Soft Sell Examples

Soft Sell Examples . DOES SHAKLEE HAVE TO FIND SOMEONE? Among the questions that are always asked ..Hmmmmm ..

Can you tell Aimun 1 business that you don’t need to look for people (customers)? ⁇
The reality is in any business, to get a result/return we must have customers/users. It is impossible for us to get results if there are no “people” who buy.
From purchases from customers/users, we will get business results/returns, right?


First of all, Aimun wants to tell you,
The first time Aimun did business, Aimun himself did not like looking for people. Always overthiking, embarrassed, shy, what people say and so on.
Today Aimun shared how you can change your strategy from “WE ARE LOOKING FOR PEOPLE” to “PEOPLE ARE LOOKING FOR US”
How to do it?

Use the medium that is already in front of our eyes. The medium that we have not used to spend time chatting, bringing or politics, is SOCIAL MEDIA ..
The full benefits of Facebook / Instagram as your “STORE”.
Luckily taw business online because we do not need to invest tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands to “set up” business
Use free medium only.
Virtual store.

✅ There is already a virtual store, don’t be lazy to share / post via softsell so that people are aware of our products / services.
✅ The oemdemic era now people have no choice, this is one of the best options
that there is a free “shop” for us to start a business. Don’t be lazy to “open a shop” every day .. (active posting indicates we are serious about business)
✅ If we consistently share the advantages of the product/service and our experience with the product God willing “people will find us”
Aimun’s experience, most people looking for supplements are from this virtual store.
Sharing dr Aimun Amanina

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Soft Sell Examples

Do you really have no idea how to create content?

Many people tell you – “I don’t know what to write on FB?” or “it’s hard to create this content ..”
Actually .. it’s not difficult, but because I don’t know where to start .. that’s what makes me go around or make a hardsell post .. it’s fun ..

But many people don’t realize that posting hardsell will kill your own personal branding, you just make people rubbish. Silap2 kena unfriend ..
At the very least, don’t keep commenting “Alhamdulillah” and share the likes of kesian…
Ms. Kak, you understand, everyone wants sales … but by doing hardsell by posting, it won’t actually help you to last a long time in business.

Tonight, I want to share how to create softsell content and where to insert hard sell ..
1) Share content about the story “behind the scene” you are doing business, without any CTA to force people to buy and without showing off. Example: While waiting for the stock truck to arrive, I want to share a little story about…

In the context of emergency medical services, the mention of a truck might evoke considerations related to ambulances or emergency response vehicles. However, your statement appears to transition to a different context:

Purpose – for the showcase that you have, there is business and advanced business, but the focus of the story is on other things.

This suggests a shift in focus from a truck-related scenario to a showcase or presentation involving business and advanced business topics. In professions like emergency medical services, the concept of an EMT training course aligns more with the initial mention of a truck, focusing on specific and essential training for emergency medical technicians. If there’s a connection or clarification needed between the two contexts, please provide additional details, and I’ll be happy to assist further.

2) Share your client’s story testimony and the story of his issue and how you have helped him solve the problem. Not just print screen Whatsap SETEPEK.

3) Share product related tips without any hardsell. Example: Tips to save RM10,000 a year ..

4) Share content that shows your interests and expertise, so that you can attract people with similar interests, so that you can build rapport, get acquainted and build relationships.

“That’s it, sis, when do you want to make the hardsell?” Soft Sell Examples
Good question…
In fact, good soft sell content will make people ASK what you are selling. When he asked, you just made a hard sell in the back, for example in the PM or on whatssap.

If you really want to make Hardsell, you have to learn the science of campaign marketing. The time of the campaign is running, I just want to make a crazy hardsell.
The simplest- hardsell content can be posted in the story.

Point sis .. to create content requires effort.
To build a fan on Facebook requires effort
FB is a place for us to get to know each other and build friendship and build TRUST.
If the Trust already exists, God willing, I’m happy to make sales ..
Got something tonight?
For my uncle’s students, this is revision science. Soft Sell Examples

Online Business Tips on Facebook (FB)

Today Mama will share tips for new people who want to start an online business on Facebook. Soft Sell Examples
These tips are based on our experience throughout running an online business. These tips are a bit long, I hope you can read to the end.

1. Soft sell
Share a lot of advantages about the products we sell. What is best if we use these products? Do not directly tell about the price of the product.
We can also share our own testimonials as users and also ask for testimonials from customers who use the products we sell.

2. Hard Sell
This one we direct to sell. We share pictures, product names and prices.

3. Combine soft selling & hard selling. For new people, do a lot of soft selling first to attract customers.

4. The sentence structure @ copy writing is also important in addition to beautiful product images. It is better to use our own image as our identity.
Beautiful pictures will attract customers to buy. Beautiful pictures can also tell the quality of the products we sell.

5. Don’t compare @ ruin other similar products we sell. Focus on the advantages of our products and why buy with us.

6. Our personal information also needs to be clear so that customers are confident to buy. Our name, phone number and how to contact customers. Apart from our information, payment method information is also important, our account number needs to be clear.
The process of payment and delivery to the customer must be clear so that the customer does not hesitate to transfer the payment money on the transaction that we both agree.

7. If we sell on our personal FB, keep our FB like home @ our shop. Share good @ positive things so that customers are more confident in our credibility.
Don’t share negative things like our dissatisfaction with customers, political articles @ things that shouldn’t be.

8. If our business builds networking, do not forget to share the advantages of the business we create. What we get and advantages @ benefits if people join our group to do business with us.

9. Arrange our ads @ our posts every day. Design what we want to share and create on our personal FB. A good post will attract people to friends with us @ attract more of our followers.
More often we post again good but let what we share give benefits and people do not get bored to look at our FB wall.

10. In addition to personal FB channel, we can also use other mediums to advertise business @ products that we sell.
Mama’s advice for new people, use personal FB first to learn and attract people to our FB. Then we can also try FB Groups, FB Pages, Instagram @ blogspot.

11. For new people, the biggest challenge is to tell people out there what business you are doing. So, don’t forget you make an ad @ post once or twice, that’s enough.
Be diligent in posting about the business you are doing, tell people what business you are doing. Don’t be shy @ afraid to share. More often we post @ share again good.
Arrange your schedule every day, let there be posts from us every day, at least 3 @ 4 posts a day, new people will notice our existence. Our FB is also not lonely and people will be waiting for what we want to share.

12. In addition to our own learning, can follow @ learn with existing business mentors. Today there are many mentors @ those who have been successful in guiding online entrepreneurs.
Learn by following the existing FB mentors. If you are diligent and have the time and budget to grow your business, you can attend the entrepreneurship course @ seminar available today. Choose the seminar @ course that suits the business you are creating.
That’s all the tips that Mama wants to share today. If there are more tips that can improve the existing tips, you can also share to provide benefits and ideas to all our friends, especially for those who are still new.

Don’t forget to SHARE if it benefits you. Soft Sell Examples


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