MLM Business Presentation

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MLM Business Presentation. More questions we like to ask during business presentations with leads,“Have you been to any MLM business before?”. If their answer is “never”, you may need to emphasize the advantages of MLM or Network Marketing business (details in further description).

MLM Presentation

If their answer is “ever”, you may be interested in finding out about their MLM achievements and experiences. From there, you can find out what makes them happy or hated in the MLM business. And during the business presentation session, you can insert and emphasize how important business is if she agrees to be your business partner. Keep in mind, however, that you should never abuse MLM or other groups. When pressed for a prospect for a personal view of it, it’s just “sorry, I only know “.

10 tips not to do during the presentation

Now many times I attend student presentations in conferences organized by faculties and other bodies, and the longer it goes on the less aura it is. Whats type of AURA?Students present time, audience chats, and sometimes the audience is just presenters as well.Emmmm, why is that so? Maybe the student presentation is too stereotyped.What is that stereotype?There are 10 stereotypes that I had time to scribble:

First – afraid to give an explanation and seems to be very dependent on the content in PowerPoint, but the content goes around until I don’t know which POINT is POWER.
Second – reading straight from slide one after another, like the audience is all blind.
Third – try to include in each slide as many facts as possible, like the audience is a kindergarten child.
Fourth-the content of PowerPoint has text that can be made to fly and spin, making the audience dizzy.
Fifth – ready with sound effects, like cartoon news, supposedly there is an impact.
Sixth – phewww, a lot of slides, like not wanting to stop, until the chairman eats his heart out.
Seventh – the smaller the font, the bigger the writing in the mobile phone.
Eighth – dahlah tiny, colorful again, ala -ala rainbow.
Ninth – shock itself, the eyes do not even see the audience, supposedly shy and polite.
Lastly – too schematic. Must start with, “The title of my research is…”, “Then the objective of my research is …”, “Then the Problem Statement is …”, “Then the Research Questions are …”. How many have then laaa. Emmmm.

Damn, you seem to need me jer. After everything is done for the cam, I will follow.
So now I want to let you know that the audience is “actually” NOT INTERESTED in the details of your study. The reason is that they even have their own research. So, just simplify your presentation because the audience just wants to know what you do and how you do the research, in short and simple!

If the audience is interested, let them ask, you answer yes, casually.Can’t believe it?Ask yourself when you hear 2, 3 stereotype presentations that are spreading, there will be a sudden evaporation phenomenon.There is a.

Audiences want to hear your relaxed explanation with confidence and the main findings of your study only, not the details. So keep it short and simple. If they want to know more, let them ask.
If you want, share an example of that slide.

This is an example of a slide presentation I made at a conference abroad. With only 9 slides, I have impressed the audience with the animated demonstration. The screenshot that I presented on the slide I have deleted in this blog because there is copyright with UPM.

Audiences want to hear what you say, the way you “convince” them with your mastery of your own research, not what you read from PowerPoint. GET MY POINT!If you are stubborn to continue reading directly from your slides, you better record and make a narration. You don’t have to bother wearing a tie until you choke on the neck, then become a news reader in front of the audience.

But I’m scared to do it! Fear because you yourself are not confident with your research, maybe you do not even understand what you are doing.

How does ‘Price Presentation’ affect buyer’s emotions?

“Haven’t you ever experienced the situation below?”
1/ Prospects ask for prices, we continue to reply prices.
2/ Prospects from “krik … krik..krik ….”
If you still use this method, the prospect will not feel excited and attracted to the price offer you give.
In this post, I want to share 2 price presentation strategies that you can use.

First Strategy – Original Price, Promo Price.
When giving the price script, include the #ORIGINAL RMxx price and the #PROMO RMxx price.
Then, write down how much #SAVINGS the prospect can get.
Normal Price: RM70
Promo Price: RM50
This method makes it easier for prospects to understand and digest the price information we provide without having to do their own mathematical calculations.

Second Strategy – Two more talismans & get a freegift
Want more interesting, we share the price for 1 unit & 2 units.
Compare buy 2 more economical and profitable than buy 1.
> Buy 1 Unit
Normal Price: RM70
Promo Price: RM50
> Buy 2 Units
Normal Price: RM140
Promo Price: RM120
+ FREE Postage
+ FREE Membership
+ FREE Coupon RM 20
You can also offer FREE items to ‘taste @ delicious’ again the purchase of 2 units.
To make an offer of 2 exclusive units, put ‘time boom’ which is ‘urgency’, for example the expiry date of the offer.

Through this pricing strategy, not only does it make your offer more attractive, it even forces the prospect’s emotions to make an immediate decision.
Hope it is useful.


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